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Midsummer's Eve 

Adult fee 25 €
Discount fee 20 €
Family fee 50 €

Children up to 8 years old are FREE of charge.

Special ticket prices starting from 16.00. 

NB! On June 23rd at 16:00, the MUSEUM CARD is not valid for museum visits. The EVM annual pass and Tallinn Card are valid!

Midsummer. Season of love

23 June 2024 from 19.00 to 00:00

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Midsummer is the time for love. Love is a deep and powerful feeling one can have for mother and father, child and spouse, home, and homeland. You can love the sea and the forest, hard work and fine arts.

This year, we are going to visit various periods on Midsummer Eve and learn what people have held dear throughout history. Singing love songs, looking for heralds of love in nature, and dancing around the bonfire with the one you love to have been inseparable from Midsummer celebrations for centuries.

Come to the Estonian Open Air Museum and spend a Midsummer night full of love!

Performers: Untsakad, Lõõtspillipoisid, Leigarid and many others.

Main gate

19.00 Procession to light Midsummer bonfires

The procession to light Midsummer bonfires starts at the main gate at 19.00. Bonfires will be lit in the Village Square and Swing Square.

Swing Square – Midsummer bonfire and dancing. The meeting of Dawn and Twilight

The Swing Square is the destination of all the walks to be taken this evening. This is where the bonfire is ablaze while such famous as ‘Untsakad’ and ‘Lõõtspillipoisid’ will be playing merry tunes for you to dance to. The swing is there to be swung, and dreamers can enjoy the magnificent view of Tallinn over the bay.

19.15 lighting the Midsummer bonfire

20.00 Lõõtspillipoisid

21.00, 22.00, 23.00 Untsakad

23.45 the meeting of Dawn and Twilight

Village Square – 19th century village Midsummer festival. Dance to find love!

19.45 lighting the Midsummer bonfire

19.45-23.00 village festival

Join the folklore society ‘Leigarid’ to find yourselves in the thick of a genuine 19th century village celebration with dancing, singing, and playing merry games around the Midsummer bonfire. Join the crowd to learn some steps, and you’ll soon realize how much you love to dance!

Köstriaseme farm – unrequited love

In the spring girls of marriable age would move in the barns as their sleeping quarters, and the single young men who have received Confirmation would visit them at night looking for potential brides. In most cases, the eligible bachelors of a village would come together and go through the entire village, so every girl would eventually get someone to talk to, hold in her arms and even probably kiss.

The daughter of Köstriaseme farmer has been keeping her barn door firmly shut to eager visitors so far despite their flattery or musician skills.

Come by to see if the son of Sassi-Jaani farmer will be able to convince her with accordion tunes and give him advice on how to make the girl like him!

Härjapea farm – love for our country. The first Victory Day celebration and the Midsummer eve of 1935 

In 1934, a new national holiday was established in Estonia: Victory Day to commemorate

Estonia’s winning the Battle of Võnnu on 23 June 1919 and celebrate Estonian peoples’ struggle for freedom and its victories throughout history.

Mäetaguse municipality has prepared a festive programme with patriotic speeches and a theatrical piece to celebrate the Victory Day.

The Housewives Association will be holding a competition to choose the best homemaker.

Dancing tunes by Lõõtspillipoisid at 21:15 and 22:15.

Roosta farm – heralds of love and fortune-telling at Midsummer 

If you haven’t met your one true love yet, Midsummer night is the time to turn to nature in search of hints on how to find the one. There is a number of signs you can only notice during this night of the year!

Jüri-Jaagu farm – love for countryside living

There are some people who love living in the countryside despite all the hard work and effort. Moreover, some city dwellers love the country because this is where you find fresh air, flower wreaths and romantic landscapes. At least this is what it looks like from a distance.

The family on Jüri-Jaagu farm is hosting some city slickers who are beginning to realize that rural romantic appeal comes with wasps, whiffs of manure in the barn and scratchy straw mattresses.

The farmer doesn’t mind the townsfolk though; he is heating the sauna and making whisks while the ladies are teaching the city girls how to make ribbons.

Hiiumaa itinerant fishing house – love for art and nature. Painting the sea

It was already in the 19th century that Baltic Germans loved coming to enjoy the nature here on holiday at Rocca al Mare summer residence. This rocky beach inspired many artists and photographers to capture the breathtaking view.

Why don’t you also try to express your feelings with paints on paper?

Kolga farm – everybody loves playing games! Traditional Midsummer games 

When the party is in full swing, various games are perfect for showing off your strength. There’s nothing like a little competition to keep your spirits up, and there’s nothing more important on Midsummer Eve than having fun with your loved ones.

Kuie school – love songs and the Estonian flag 

Music changes over time, but the meaning of most songs remains the same. Whether it is an ancient folk song or a modern pop song, the message of love can fit any rhythm. Love can glow like embers under ash or blaze like a grand Midsummer bonfire!

Come by the school, let’s sing beautiful Estonian songs about love together!

In the classroom, you will also find a quiz commemorating the 140th anniversary of the Estonian flag.

Joint singing starts at 20.30, 21.30 and 22.30

Kolkhoz apartment building – love and marriage. A wedding in the 1960s

Love leads to marriage, right? Well, sometimes people must get married in a bit of a hurry because the family is about the become bigger.

Laine and Ülo’s small wedding celebration takes place on Midsummer Eve. There are wedding dishes on the table, singing, dancing, and wedding games.

Kolu inn – And love passes through the stomach! 

Just like in the old days, the inn is open in any weather, so come by and treat yourself to traditional Estonian food!

Lau shop 

Choosing a gift for your dear child, good friend or a loved one is always fun. Come by the shop and see what else you can buy there in addition to the usual chocolates or a bottle of something fancy!

Food Academy –  love for food and armchair sports.

At the Food Academy area, various grilled dishes and snacks are offered, and the bar is open. Let's watch football together on the big screen! Come and cheer for your favorite team.

During the Football European Championship, both young and old enthusiasts can play football. Goals are set up as well. Prizes for the best players! For more information, see here:

Visitors are welcome to bring their own reusable dishes. Buildings that do not have a Midsummer Eve program will be open until 10:30 PM.

Buildings that have a Midsummer Eve program will be open until 11 PM.

Since the museum's parking lots cannot accommodate all cars, we recommend using public transportation or bicycles.

  • Buses number 21 and 21B from Balti jaam and the city center bring you to the main gate of the museum (stop: Rocca al Mare). 
  • Driving back to the city (stop Rocca al Mare) bus No. 41 and the last bus leaves from the museum back to the city at 23:28.
  • Bus number 21A from Väike-Õismäe also takes you to the main gate of the museum. 
  • From the city center, you can also take buses number 92 (night bus), 42, and 43 to the Zoo stop, and then take a 15-minute walk along the seaside road to the open-air museum. 
  • The front park near the main gate, the Tehasemaja parking lot, and the rear parking lot (approximately 800m towards Kakumäe) are open. 
  • You can bring your own bicycle to the museum or leave it in the bicycle parking lot in front of the ticket office. 
  • Rental scooters can be left in front of the ticket office.

Ticket offices are open on Midsummer's Eve: 

  • Main gate and ticket office until 23:00. 
  • Rear ticket office (approximately 800m towards Kakumäe) until 18:00-22:00.

The museum's farms and buildings are closed to visitors from 18:00 to 19:00 on that day.

NB! With the Museum Card, entry on June 23rd is only from 10 AM to 4 PM. On the evening of Midsummer's Day, the Museum Card is not valid for entry!

A. Le Coq, Õllenaut, Haabersti District Administration, Maxima, Selver, Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
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