The aim of the research field is to stand for the development of the vernacular architecture research field as a whole, to open the architectural history of rural heritage or the background that makes sense of its creation and use, and to improve knowledge about the objects in the collections. Based on the created knowledge, we, together with other departments of the museum, organize exhibitions, supplement the permanent exhibition and contribute to the organization of exciting historical events. As a result of our research, we learn more and more about our history, ensure the reliability of the information we provide, and look also to the future.
In addition to research, the mission of the Estonian Open Air Museum is to stand for the development of the rural building heritage theme outside the institution's own borders. In order to study vernacular architecture, cultural history, heritage technologies and the protection of values in universities, colleges and other institutions, we organize various events (including the seminar “Quo vadis, Heritage?”, the student conference “New Life of the Old Village” and a Research day introducing the museum's research work), we supervise student work, involve interns and work closely with educational institutions. We are open to joint research projects with universities and other parties.
The research work of the Estonian Open Air Museum is based on a research strategy.