

Birdsong excursions

07. March, 2024 - 23. June, 2024
07.03.24 - 23.06.24

Birdsong excursions

In spring, birdsong can be heard everywhere, both in the countryside and in the city, in the forests and in the fields, in gardens and in parks. The Estonian Open Air Museum offers plenty of space and greenery, providing habitats for many bird species. The museum also offers a good view of Kopli Bay, where several waterfowl species reside. Wouldn't it be nice to recognize at least some of these singers by their voice?

Peep Veedla has been teaching birdsong to enthusiasts of all ages, from preschoolers to the elderly, for over thirty years. Under his guidance, you can embark on a special birdsong excursion at the Estonian Open Air Museum. You can book your own excursion for your family, group of friends, or colleagues, and school classes or kindergarten groups are also welcome to join the adventure. The suitable time for birdwatching trips is from March until Midsummer Day.

A pair of binoculars comes in handy for better bird observation.

Group size maximum 25 people.
Price: 360 €. The price includes museum admission.

If you are interested, please contact: or call 654 9109.
Northern Estonia
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